Your Name

Arvapelly Aryan Sai

Welcome to My Personal Webpage!

About Me

I wrote my first "Hello, World!" program at the age of 16. In my 12th class, I had built a network application called eXam for conducting MCQ-based tests, which is successfully deployed at my alma mater, Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School.

Deploying my mathematical acumen, I went on to obtain both a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mathematics, with a specialisation in Computer Science, from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.

Specially intrigued by the idea of a Blockchain, I built BlogChain, a Write-to-Earn decentralised application. With BlogChain, I sought to empower writers, offering them a platform where their words could not only inspire but also earn.

Currently, I am on my final(hopefully!) pursuit to earn my Masters in Technology in Computer Science at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.

I don’t know if I am a master, but I am a jack of all trades. I’m a drummer in the University Brass Band, an actor, an orator, a debater, and also an artist.

I am ready to trade my time with people willing to create an impact in the world!

Work Experience

Assocsiate Software Developer Intern

Citridot Solutions Private Limited, Hyderabad

Web Developer Intern

Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini, Prashanti Nilayam


BlogChain - A Decentralised Blogging Platform

This work proposes a Write-to-Earn decentralised application called BlogChain to create aligned incentives for both writers and readers. The decentralised nature of blockchain technology provides a secure and transparent platform. Writers can publish their work and receive rewards for their efforts. The use of BlogChain NFTs provides a mechanism for writers to prove ownership of their work. It enables readers to support their favourite writers through tipping. The use of a native BLOG cryptocurrency creates an ecosystem for the growth of readers and writers.

Link to the Publication

Blockchain-based solution for Trade Lifecycle Management

The trade life cycle is a complex process involving multiple parties and systems, resulting in a high risk of errors and inefficiencies.This work proposes a blockchain-based solution for trade lifecycle management, aimed at enhancing transparency, accountability, and efficiency in trade operations in an investment bank.
The proposed system utilizes a decentralized ledger on a private blockchain to store and manage trade data. It provides a single source of truth to all parties involved in the trade inside the bank. The system leverages smart contracts to automate trade validation.

Link to GitHub Repo

Talk to Swami - An Android Application

During the COVID lockdown in 2020, I built an Android application called "Talk to Swami." It is a random quote generator application inspired by the teachings of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, drawing inspiration from the chit boxes used in Sathya Sai Hostels. What began as a fun side project soon blossomed into a full-fledged application.

I am proud to share that "Talk to Swami" has garnered over 10,000 installations and achieved an impressive rating of 4.9 on the Google Play Store.

Through "Talk to Swami," individuals have the opportunity to receive insightful quotes that promote spiritual growth and inner transformation. By incorporating the teachings of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, this application aims to guide the users on their personal journeys.

Link to the app on Google Play Store

Talk to Swami - Google Chrome Extension

The Chrome extension counterpart of my Android app, 'Talk to Swami'.

Link to Google Chrome Web Store


During my 12th class, I had the opportunity to develop this application named eXam as part of my Informatics course. This application, built in Java and MySQL, was specifically designed to facilitate the smooth administration of MCQ-based tests within a local network.
A major highlight of this project is its successful deployment in Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School, where it is currently in active use. Witnessing the application's practical implementation in a real educational environment has been immensely rewarding.

Link to GitHub Repo

Educational Qualifications

Master of Technology in Computer Science

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning


Master of Science in Mathematics (With specialisation in Computer Science)

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning


Bachelor of Science Mathematics

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning



Degree Title

Institution Name

Year of Graduation

Description of the course, key subjects, and any notable achievements.
